Physical Education Welcome Letter
Malletts Bay School
2017 – 2018
Parent(s) and/or Guardian (s):
to the Malletts Bay School Community! My name is Elizabeth Eastman I am your
child’s physical educator for the upcoming school year. I had a great summer and I am ready to start
the school year with some fun and exciting activities. I would like to mention
that we have a brand new gym floor
and with your help I want to make sure that the floor stays safe and clean so
during the winter months and boot season please send an extra pair of safe
footwear for your child to change into. Thank you.
is some helpful PE information:
Education is offered twice a week for forty-five minutes per class. Please check with your classroom teacher or
go to my blog ( to see which days your child
has PE.
feel free to visit my school blog to see what is going on in the gymnasium and
to view all other PE related information.
footwear is…
Ø Sneakers or shoes with
rubber soles
Ø Laces must be tied
Ø Entire foot covered (No open toes or heels)
Ø Stays on
Ø No Keens, Boots or Dress shoes
must wear loose fitting clothes…
Ø Skirts and dresses must
have shorts or leggings underneath
with an illness or injury are allowed two excused absences from P.E. with a
parent note that is approved and signed by the nurse. Any illness or injury with more than two
absences for the same illness or injury requires a note from the doctor which
is then approved by the school nurse.
bottles are great and I encourage students to bring one.
will be outside until the end of October.
Please help your child be prepared for the colder weather.
are welcome to attend and/or participate in any PE classes. If you would like to join a class please call
ahead to let me know. Malletts Bay does
require a background check from all volunteers before helping out in the class.
When you arrive we would like you to
sign in at the main office. I would love the help and you do not need
experience to join.
the end of the PE class each student has earned a grade. Your child/ren will give input to me as to
which grade they think they earned based on class goals.
The grading system:
= Exceeds expectations
= Meets expectations
= Working Towards expectations
= Needs improvement
I look forward to a fun and energetic school year,