Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 3 PE Lesson Core Strength

This week we are focusing on our core strength. We will be doing a workout similar to a Tabata workout except that you will be performing each abdominal movement for 30 seconds with a 20 second rest in between. In this workout there are 6 different abdominal moves you will perform.

For Example: you will do as many Snitches catches as you can for 30 seconds, 20 rest, Dobby crunches for 30 seconds, 20 second rest, Weasley wiggles for 30 seconds, 20 second rest, Remus reaches for 30 seconds, 20 second rest, Albus Ab kicks for 30 seconds, 20 second rest, Diagon Abs for 30 seconds.

 This workout is from Glenn Higgins. Glenn Higgins is a fitness traitor who sets his workouts to different movie themed backgrounds for example Batman, Star Wars and Harry Potter. If you are interested in other workouts you can find him on Youtube. 

 Try to do 3 sets of the workout. You can do this all at once or spread the workout throughout the week. Know what is best for your body.

There are two videos you can watch. The first video is the actual workout with a clock and the second video is all the modifications for the first video's workout.

Below is the second video that has the modifications for the Harry Potter week 3 Ab workout.

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