Due to COVID-19 the PE teachers at MBS, CMS and CHS have decided to cancel this Years Annual Ski and Board sale. If we decide to continue with this tradition next year we will let you all know. Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the years.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Welcome Ospreys
Hi everyone,
Welcome back to school. Some of you don't know me I am Mrs.Eastman. I am one of the PE teachers at MBS. I have been teaching at MBS for 11 years. So much has changed since last year but one thing that I want to make sure doesn't change is that PE stays FUN. Over summer I spent time modifying our favorite games to be physically distanced (6 feet apart) activities.
Our UA schedule is on a rotation which means that I will see each one of my classes every other week. Sometimes I will see you two weeks in a row. If you would the specific dates of when your student will have PE please feel free to email me and I can send you the dates.
Each time I see you in person there will also be a hybrid or remote lesson in our Google classroom. Your teacher should have helped you join my google classroom by the end of the week. Most of the assignments will have you click on the turn in button to let me know you have completed it. There will be other times where a student will need to submit a picture, video, google form or short write up.
This year we will be outside more often then we have been in the past. So students need to be prepared with warm clothing for the colder months, water bottles, safe footwear (sneaker that cover their entire foot and stay on) and mask.
Throughout the year please check out the "Games to play at home" tab on my home screen. This is where you can access other activities to do when students are at home.
👍 I can't wait to play and learn with you.👍
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sidewalk Chalk Course

Friday, May 15, 2020
If you missed Yoga with Jess...
Yoga with Jess
- Yoga is non-competitive.
- Yoga teaches self-acceptance.
- Yoga encourages healthy habits.
- Helps with focus.
- Yoga teaches calming techniques.
- Children learn self-awareness through yoga.
- Yoga supports positive mental health in children.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Chicken Hopscotch
Friday, May 8, 2020
Yoga with Jess
- Yoga is non-competitive.
- Yoga teaches self-acceptance.
- Yoga encourages healthy habits.
- Helps with focus.
- Yoga teaches calming techniques.
- Children learn self-awareness through yoga.
- Yoga supports positive mental health in children.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Active Ospreys Part 2

Monday, May 4, 2020
Oh the things you could see part 4

Saturday, May 2, 2020
Week 4 Flexibility & Stretching
This week we are focusing on flexibility and stretching. Below is a word doc link with pictures and descriptions of the stretches and yoga poses. Please run through the routine 3 times. Either all at once or throughout the week. Below is a video mini lesson on how to do the different exercises. In the video I am not holding the exercises for the full 30 seconds. Lastly I will posting a weekly Yoga kids classes taught by Jessica Child. This class will be every Friday at 10 am.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Toilet Paper Roll Activities
Here are some different activities or games you could do with empty toilet paper rolls. In a previous post I mentioned toilet paper roll bowling. You could stack with them and see what you can create or see how tall you could build a tower.
Yoga with Jess Child
- Yoga is non-competitive.
- Yoga teaches self-acceptance.
- Yoga encourages healthy habits.
- Helps with focus.
- Yoga teaches calming techniques.
- Children learn self-awareness through yoga.
- Yoga supports positive mental health in children.
Jess will also be offering this class every Friday at 10 am. I will post here new Zoom link weekly. Click on the link below to join in with her.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Toilet Paper Roll Bowling
On rainy days we are always looking for something to do inside to stay active. One day my kids and I decided to try bowling but we did not have any bowling pins. So we used empty toilet paper rolls for our pins. If you don't have a bowling ball instead use a small soccer ball like we did, a rolled up pair of socks or any ball that you might have. Setup your pins or toilet paper rolls then roll two times to see how many pins you can knock down. Have fun and keep checking my blog for some other toilet paper roll games and activities.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Week 3 PE Lesson Core Strength
Below is the second video that has the modifications for the Harry Potter week 3 Ab workout.
The Eastman Indoor Obstacle Course
Monday, April 13, 2020
The Eastman Outdoor Obstacle Course
Zumba with Robyn
Again today we will be having Robyn Labrecque as our guest teacher. Robyn is a licensed Zumba instructor who will be running a Zoom Zumba dance class today (Tuesday) at 9:15 am. She will be hosting her kid Zumba class every Tuesday. When you click on the link below it will take you to a Zoom meeting where you will need to wait to be invited into the group. Once in Robyn is going to make sure that everyone participating will be muted and not seen by her or anyone else. When she is finished she will unmute everyone to see if they have any questions. Last week was a great routine.
Week 2 PE Lesson Lower body workout
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Active Opreys
- Hiking
- Biking
- Walking
- Playing with a sibling
- Climbing trees
- Exploring rivers
- Working out
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Football
- Trampoline
- Frisbee
- Lacrosse